1.Following the initial phase of the agreement, it will consider deploying up to four additional project managers to the area.
2."Wind power is at an initial phase, " cautions Han Bin, the president of the Longyuan Pingtan Wind Power Company.
3.When institutions open their doors they have to have a generous attitude and be very patient in the initial phase of the collaboration.
4.The durable art is always unaccepted at the initial phase but it explores a great existence.
5.Some low-carb diets greatly restrict carbs during the initial phase of the diet and then gradually increase the number of allowed carbs.
6.So you can save some time especially during in the initial phase of a project where the builds are needed more often.
7.The initial phase of the project would be capable of delivering 2, 000 megawatts of wind energy - enough to power about 500, 000 homes.
8.The results show that in the initial phase of reaction, coal is mainly converted to preasphaltene, asphaltene and a little oil and gas.
9.After the initial phase when you're getting used to exercise, you'll start to have a blast and look forward to it.
10.After an initial phase of using the private Second Life area internally, IBM will expand use to its own customers.